This natural remedy has the ability to restore the pancreas when no permanent damage has been done. Juniper is high in natural insulin. It is a counter-poison and a strengthener of the brain, memory, and optic nerve. As a potent diuretic, the urine flow is increased and has the smell of violets. The berries also help to reduce flatulence and tone the digestive system.
People have used this herb for:
- swollen joints
- rheumatic pains
- chest problems
- bladder infection
- fluid retention
- gout
- indigestion
- obesity
- prostate disorders
Made with love and the highest quality ingredients possible, including ionized water and 30 percent alcohol. I include an information sheet telling about the herb and any drug interactions.
Juniper Berries Single Herb Tincture
Juniper Berries (Juniperus communis), grain alcohol, ionized water.
Keep out of reach of children. FDA has not evaluated this product.