About Me.
I have been a Herbalist for over 35 years. I am passionate about the tinctures I make and very particular about the ingredients that go into them. I enjoy sharing my passion with others and seeing their health change when they follow my suggestions!
I have been an Iridologist for over 13 years and can usually help you find out why you are having symptoms. Then, we can find the right herbs, supplements, and dietary changes to make Positive Life Changes.
I have 24-plus years of experience massaging all body types, from children to student-athletes, expectant mothers to hard-working dads to grandparents. I listen to your needs and then devise the best course of action to give your body the tools it needs to heal.
Through massage, I have the magic hands that will gravitate to those tender areas and help tight, achy muscles just melt into soft, pliable, workable muscles again. My Massages also provide the positive energy the body needs to release stored-up, negative emotions giving your body the chance to truly heal. I use my own Comfrey/Mustard salve to promote healing in the muscles and tissues.
Do you have back pain, TMJ, a colicky baby?
Bowenwork is used for many ailments to help those as young as babies to grandparents. It is my go-to form of bodywork in generating a wellness plan for you. I have become an Instructor to teach others how to perform this highly effective form of bodywork. Go to americanbowen.academy to register for the next class. There are two to choose from: a four-hour intro class or become a practitioner!
Specialties include: Pregnancy, Bowenwork and Sports Massage.