False Unicorn/Lobelia Herbal Formula Tincture
This is the best formula to help a woman get pregnant. It is also useful for men. It is recommended that they incorporate a diet of fruits, vegetables, grains, nuts and seeds.
Ingredients: False Unicorn, Lobelia, Ionized water, 30% alcohol
Botanical name: Chamaelirium luteum
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Adaptogen; Anthelmintic; Diuretic; Emetic; Sialagogue; Tonic; Uterine tonic; Vermifuge.
Nutrients: Calcium, potassium, zinc and vitamin C.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: This herb is an excellent overall tonic. Most common use is for the treatment of female sterility.
Internal uses: It has been used to strengthen and balance the male and female reproductive system. It has helped to prevent miscarriage, amenorrhea, painful and irregular menstruations, leucorrhea, morning sickness (taken in small amounts), menopausal difficulties associated with uterine disorders, prolapsed uterus, headaches and depression. It has been beneficial for the mucus membranes and for the sensitive stomach. It has also helped to eliminate tapeworms.
Suggested dosage: 1—2 grams 3 times daily. Tincture 2—5 ml 3 times daily.
Botanical name: Lobelia inflata
Origin: USA/India
Therapeutic actions: Antispasmodic; Anti-venomous; Astringent; Cathartic; Counter-irritant; Diaphoretic; Diuretic; Emetic; Expectorant; Emmenagogue; Nauseant; Nervine; Relaxant; Stimulant.
Nutrients: Calcium, choline, iron, magnesium, manganese, phosphorus, potassium, selenium, silicon, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B2, B3, B12 and C.
Drug interactions: Check with physician if on nicotine alternatives.
Description: Lobelia is commonly used both externally and internally to relax all spasms. This herb is used in many formulas because it "tells" the other herbs what to do.