Alfalfa Leaf

Botanical name: Medicago sativa
Origin: USA
Therapeutic actions: Anti-inflammatory; Anti-fungal; Alterative; Anodyne; Anti-pyretic; Anti-rheumatic; Anti-scorbutic; Aperitive; Diuretic; Depurative; Galactogogue; Stomachic; Tonic.
Nutrients: All the known vitamins and minerals with higher amounts of calcium, folate, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, zinc, vitamins A, B1, B6, B12, C, D, E, K and all the essential amino acids. It is high in protein.
Drug interactions: No known drug interactions.
Description: Alfalfa has been useful to generate energy and endurance. It has also helped to alkalize and detoxify the body.
Internal uses: Proven to have a cholesterol lowering effect; has been helpful in the treatment of arthritis, used as a blood builder, blood purifier and in the treatment of cancer. It helps to bind and eliminate carcinogens from the body. It may reduce tissue damage from radiation therapy. It has been used in treating bleeding disorders. It is for morning sickness and menopause. Strengthen the blood and liver. Eases general digestive problems. Promotes bowel movement regularity and healthy hydration. Supports the pituitary gland. Detoxifies the urinary tract.. Has a strong alkaline effect on the body. Other uses: acidity, allergies, anemia, appetite stimulant, asthma, Bell’s palsy, bursitis, cholesterol, diabetes, fatigue, gout, hemorrhages, lactation, pituitary gland and ulcers.
Suggested dosage: 500-1000mg daily. Tincture: 1-2 ml 2-3 times daily.
Caution: Not recommended for use by persons taking blood thinning agents.